There are two exhibition spaces at Mältinranta Artcenter. Exhibition periods can be applied either together or separately.
Applications can now be sent for the autumn season 2026 (end of July – mid-November)
Exhibition periods are four weeks including the installation of the exhibition. Members of Tampere Artists´ Association are given 20% discount on rent. The sales commission is 29% + VAT 25,5% = 36,40%.
Gallery Mältinranta
Floor space: 190 m2
Height: abt. 3,6 m
Rent: 1500 €
As for installation materials, nails are used in the plaster-covered brick walls and screws are used for the chipboard walls. Painting and drawing directly onto the walls is forbidden. Artworks can be attached to the ceiling by several attachments. There is no audiovisual equipment available at the Gallery. Gallery can be darkened. Supervision of the Gallery, sending of invitation (in jpg-form) and publicity (info sheets, emails, internet pages and social media) are included in the rent. Pictures of the Gallery are found at: pictures
The Studio
The Studio is meant mainly for exhibiting media art, but also other techniques of art, suitable for the limited space, are also accepted. Studio space is 15 square meters in size and it can be darkened. The rent is 400 € / 4-week-period (installaation included). Members of Tampere Artists´ Association are given 20% discount on rent. The use of projector, mediaplayer and loudspeakers, supervision of the Studio, sending of invitation (in jpg-form) and publicity (info sheets, emails, internet pages and social media) are included in the rent.
List of equipment: Projector: Epson EB-L260F. Loudspeakers (2 pcs): Genelec G One B. Headphones (2 pcs): AKG 52. Mediaplayer: Micca Speck 4K, 3 pcs. HDMI cords (3 pcs). Extension cords, 3 pcs. There is also a ceiling attachment for the projector, blackout sheets for the windows and a curtain for the doorway (Molton creamy white).
Applications to both Gallery and Studio are to be sent by email (preferably in pdf-format) with a free-form application, 10 pictures of recent artworks (in websize) and CV. Please, remember to specify if you have specific wishes on the exhibition time. Applications are to be sent to: anne.paldanius (at)
Applications by mail:
Exhibition Board / Tampere Artists’ Association
Mältinranta Artcenter
Kuninkaankatu 2, 33210 Tampere, Finland